Why ‘good enough’ Cybersecurity isn’t good enough anymore

Why ‘good enough’ Cybersecurity isn’t good enough anymore

We all know it. Cyber threats are evolving at a breakneck pace.
The old approach of ‘good enough’ cybersecurity is just that . . OLD.

As enterprises are embracing cloud technologies, remote work, and digital transformation, the risks are increasing faster than many businesses can react. It’s no longer ‘enough’ to patch systems and hope for the best. Cybersecurity needs to be integrated into every aspect of your strategy, and here’s why.

The scale of the threat is staggering

Let’s start with some cold, hard facts.
According to a recent study, global cybercrime is projected to cost businesses over $10.5 trillion annually by 2025​. That’s not just the big corporations feeling the heat . . SMEs are increasingly on the radar of cyber criminals because they often lack the robust security frameworks larger companies have in place.

Think about it: a single data breach could cost your business not only in terms of revenue and reputation but in operational downtime and lost trust from your customers. So, is ‘good enough’ still acceptable?

The evolution of Cybersecurity threats

Once upon a time, cybersecurity was about protecting a physical perimeter.
The IT department would secure the network, and as long as employees didn’t click on dodgy links, all was well. Fast forward to 2024, and we’re now dealing with sophisticated threats like ransomware-as-a-service, insider threats, and the ever-present shadow of supply chain attacks. In fact, supply chain attacks surged by 42% in 2023 alone ​(!!)

To combat this, modern cybersecurity has evolved into a multi-layered defence strategy that includes Zero-Trust Architecture, multi-factor authentication, AI-powered threat detection, and constant vigilance. As the adage goes; ‘If you’re not ahead, you’re already behind’.

What does ‘good’ look like in 2024?

Here’s the thing: the bare minimum is no longer enough.

A true cybersecurity strategy requires proactivity. Think of it like playing chess; if you’re only reacting to the opponent’s moves, you’ve already lost.

Some of the key areas businesses need to focus on in 2024 are:

Cloud Security: With cloud adoption increasing by 25%year-over-year, protecting cloud assets is critical​. Misconfigured cloud servers remain a top vulnerability.

Zero-Trust Architecture: Trust nothing, verify everything. This approach limits the access even within your business, ensuring that employees and systems only have the permissions they need to get their job done.

Employee Training: Did you know 85% of data breaches are linked to human error?​ Your employees are either your first line of defence or your biggest vulnerability. Regular training and phishing simulations can make a world of difference.

Advanced Threat Detection: With cybercriminals increasingly using AI to enhance their attacks, businesses need to respond in kind. AI-powered cybersecurity solutions can detect anomalies far quicker than any human operator, potentially stopping attacks before they cause damage.

Why ‘EA-As-a-Service’ and Cybersecurity go hand-in-hand

As a strategy and architecture solution provider, we’re seeing more clients embrace the idea of Enterprise Architecture-as-a-Service (EAaaS). This model provides businesses with scalable, on-demand architectural expertise. And let me tell you . . Cyber Security is foundational to this approach.

By integrating security considerations into the fabric of your enterprise architecture, you’re not just defending against today’s threats . . you’re preparing for tomorrow’s. Your business’s architecture should be agile enough to respond to new threats, whether that’s through micro-segmentation of networks or by ensuring your architecture supports secure, scalable cloud environments.

How can we help?

We have never believed in ‘good enough.’
We believe in doing what it takes to protect your assets, your reputation, and your future.
Cybersecurity shouldn’t be an afterthought; it should be baked into your overall business strategy from day one.

If you’re ready to stop hoping for the best and start preparing for the worst, let’s talk.

We’re attending the 7th Annual BCS Enterprise Architecture Specialist Group Event on Friday, 11th October, where we’ll be discussing EA-as-a-Service and how it intertwines with a forward-thinking cybersecurity approach. Feel free to reach out if you’ll be there - we’d love to connect!

Let’s make ‘good enough’ a thing of the past.


Recap; because Cybersecurity is kind of a big deal

Cybercrime Costs Are Soaring: Global cybercrime could cost businesses $10.5 trillion annually by 2025​.

Cloud Security is a Must: Misconfigured cloud servers are one of the most common vulnerabilities in today’s cybersecurity landscape.

People Are Often the Weakest Link: 85% of data breaches involve human error​. Employee training is critical to strengthening your defences.

Zero-Trust Architecture is the Future: ‘Never trust, always verify’ should be your mantra moving forward.

EA-As-a-Service Ties It All Together: Cybersecurity must be integrated into your enterprise architecture from the ground up.

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