Over at Entasis Partners we continue to speak with our market.
The most frequent question we are receiving is an update around the market and the changes we predict for the second half of 2024.
The Architecture Market has been evolving faster than anyone can keep up with, driven by new technologies and a race for businesses to remain relevant in the “instant gratification world” that we have become accustomed to.
I am excited to bring you our 2024 H2 market update, including current and predicted trends for the next six months.
What we have seen so far:
Digital transformation is in no way slowing down, since the boom that started during covid businesses have been transforming across all industries.
The first half of 2024 was as predicted – quieter than previous years. That being said, businesses that have previously been erring on the side of caution have completed their H2strategies and there have been a lot of positive conversations around expansion.
We have seen a real drive across both the contract and permanent market.
Industries we have seen pick up over the past quarter include; Financial Services, Insurance, Government and Logistics.
The contract and consulting markets are not slowing down either, with many businesses choosing the flexibility that contractor and consultancies are able to offer – likely due to the uncertainty and caution we saw across the technology market last year.
Current Trends:
Technology as a whole is evolving so rapidly that it is unsurprising that we are seeing trends change so quickly with businesses rushing so they aren’t left behind.
Some of the key areas we have seen a real drive in, include:
Increased use of AI and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are no longer just buzzwords they are essential to modern IT architectures. Architects are now required to integrate these technologies seamlessly into existing systems while ensuring data integrity and security.
Managing Legacy Systems
Many organisations are still relying on outdated legacy systems that are critical to their operations. Modernising these systems without disrupting business processes isa significant challenge.
Business Architecture
Across the market we have been having more conversations about Business Architecture than ever. It seems that organisations have started to understand the benefit that Business Architecture can add in transforming technology – ensuring that this technology is utilised in the most efficient and effective way with as little disruption to day to day running.
Solution Architecture
There has been a huge drive of both contract and permanent Solution Architecture opportunities across board. We are seeing a lot of requirements for SA’s particularly with a software, application or integration background. Technical candidates that can engage at a business level seem to be a requirement that isn’t going to slow down any time soon.
Digital transformation has been a buzz-word since before covid, although the “trend” may have moved on, the drive for business transformation certainly has not. Organisations are looking to modernise technology – saving time and reducing costs. Cloud transformations are still at the heart of these conversations.
Relating back to the busy consulting market, our clients are looking for Architects with experience working to advise across multiple clouds – primarily AWS, Azure and GCP.
It is no secret that this is a difficult market at the moment; the technology space has been hit more than once. We've observed a shift in hiring patterns, with many companies prioritising candidates who possess a blend of technical and soft skills – able to work on cross functional projects.
Companies are looking for adaptable candidates that have the ability to work across multiple technologies, projects and are willing to work as a generalist across a variety of areas.
The competition is fiercer than ever within the job hunting space. The demand for roles in technology – across industries – has surged. However, this means that standing out requires a proactive approach: tailoring your CV to each job application, upskilling through courses/certifications and networking extensively within the space.
The second half of 2024 is looking extremely positive, with businesses finally understanding the necessity and benefit of Architecture (it’s been a long time coming).
The current rate of technological change is going to drive significant activity in the Architecture space, with organisations needing strategic advisors to lead on these transformations from initial conception through to delivery.
Although the Architecture market is changing, it is more important than ever. There is more buy-in and need than there has ever been. It is a really exciting time; as the technology market continues to evolve, these skills will be in high demand across all industries.
If any of my network are looking to find out more about the Architecture market then feel free to drop me a message and let’s connect.